首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Emergence of Sylvatic Echinococcus granulosus as a Parasitic Zoonosis of Public Health Concern in an Indigenous Community in Canada

Emergence of Sylvatic Echinococcus granulosus as a Parasitic Zoonosis of Public Health Concern in an Indigenous Community in Canada

机译:Sylvatic Echinococcus granulosus的出现是加拿大土著社区关注的公共卫生寄生虫病

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Within a remote Canadian Indigenous community, at least 11* of people had antibodies against Echinococcus granulosus and E. granulosus eggs were detected in 6* of environmentally collected canine fecal samples. Dog ownership, hunting, and trapping were not risk factors for seropositivity, suggesting that people are most likely exposed to E. granulosus through indirect contact with dog feces in the environment. In this situation, human exposure could be most effectively curtailed by preventing consumption of cervid viscera by free-roaming dogs.
机译:在一个偏远的加拿大土著社区中,至少有11 * 人具有针对细粒棘球E和 E的抗体。在6个环境收集的 犬粪便样本中检测到了颗粒卵。狗的所有权,狩猎和诱捕不是血清阳性的危险因素,这表明人 最有可能通过与 的间接接触而暴露于颗粒大肠杆菌。狗粪在环境中。在这种情况下,可以通过防止自由漫游的狗食用宫颈内脏来最有效地减少人的暴露。



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