首页> 外文期刊>AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY >Broken ribs: Paleopathological analysis of costal fractures in the human identified skeletal collection from the Museu Bocage, Lisbon, Portugal (late 19th to middle 20th centuries)

Broken ribs: Paleopathological analysis of costal fractures in the human identified skeletal collection from the Museu Bocage, Lisbon, Portugal (late 19th to middle 20th centuries)

机译:肋骨断裂:葡萄牙里斯本穆索博凯奇(Museu Bocage)人体鉴定出的骨骼集合中肋骨骨折的古病理学分析(19世纪至20世纪中期)

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Although rarely reported in the anthro-npological literature, rib fractures are commonly foundnduring the analysis of human skeletal remains of pastnand modern populations. This lack of published data pre-ncludes comparison between studies and restricts an accu-nrate understanding either of the mechanisms involved innthoracic injuries or their impact on past societies. Thenpresent study aimed: 1) to report rib fracture prevalencenin 197 individuals, 109 males, and 88 females, with agesnat death ranging from 13 to 88 years old, from thenHuman Identified Skeletal Collection, Museu Bocage,nPortugal (late 19th-middle 20th centuries); 2) to test thenhypothesis that a higher prevalence of rib stress frac-ntures existed in the 133 individuals who died from respi-nratory diseases, in a period before antibiotics. The mac-nroscopic analysis revealed 23.9% (n 5 47) of individualsnwith broken ribs. 2.6% (n 5 124) out of 4,726 ribsnobserved were affected. Males presented more rib frac-ntures, and a significantly higher prevalence was notednfor older individuals. Fractures were more frequentlynunilateral (n 5 34), left sided (n 5 19) and mainlynlocated on the shaft of ribs from the middle thoracicnwall. Nineteen individuals presented adjacent fracturednribs. Individuals who died from pulmonary diseasesnwere not preferentially affected. However, a highernmean rate of fractures was found in those who diednfrom pneumonia, a scenario still common nowadays.nSince rib involvement in chest wall injury and itsnrelated outcomes are important issues both for paleopa-nthology and forensic anthropology, further investiga-ntions are warranted
机译:尽管在人类学文献中很少报道,但肋骨骨折通常是在分析过去和现代人群的骨骼残留时发现的。由于缺乏公开的数据,因此无法进行研究之间的比较,并且限制了对涉及颅内损伤的机制或其对过去社会影响的准确理解。当时的研究目的是:1)报告当时葡萄牙的人类识别骨骼收藏馆(葡萄牙19世纪中叶至20世纪后期)的197例肋骨骨折患病率,其中109例男性和88例女性,年龄在13至88岁之间。 ; 2)检验假设,即在使用抗生素之前的133例死于呼吸系统疾病的个体中,肋骨应力骨折的患病率更高。肉眼镜下分析显示23.9%(n 5 47)的人肋骨断裂。在未观察到的4,726根肋骨中,有2.6%(n 5 124)受了影响。男性表现出更多的肋骨骨折,老年人的患病率明显更高。骨折多为单侧骨折(n 5 34),左侧骨折(n 5 19),主要位于中胸壁的肋骨干上。 19位患者出现了相邻的骨折骨。死于肺部疾病的个体没有受到优先影响。然而,由于肺炎死亡的人的骨折发生率更高,这种情况如今仍很普遍。n由于肋骨参与胸壁损伤及其相关结果对于古人类学和法医人类学都是重要的问题,因此有必要进行进一步的调查。



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