首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Multistage Modeling of Leukemia in Benzene Workers: A Simple Approach to Fitting the 2-Stage Clonal Expansion Model

Multistage Modeling of Leukemia in Benzene Workers: A Simple Approach to Fitting the 2-Stage Clonal Expansion Model


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A simple SAS software program (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina) was developed for fitting an exact formulation of the 2-stage clonal expansion model accommodating piecewise constant exposures and left and right censoring of observations. Data on leukemia mortality and occupational exposure to benzene among rubber hydrochloride production workers in Ohio (1940–1996) were analyzed by using this approach. A model in which benzene exposure increased clonal expansion fit these data well; little evidence of an association between benzene exposure and initiation of leukemia was found. The estimated exposure-response association increased in magnitude with age at exposure and decreased with time since exposure. This analysis shows that the 2-stage clonal expansion model can be readily fit to epidemiologic cohort data by using a simple SAS program. The illustrative analyses of leukemia mortality among rubber hydrochloride workers suggest that the effect of benzene on leukemia risk is due to an exposure-induced increase in the proliferation of initiated cells.
机译:开发了一个简单的SAS软件程序(SAS Institute,Inc.,北卡罗来纳州卡里),以拟合两阶段克隆扩展模型的精确公式,以适应分段恒定曝光和观察值的左右审查。使用这种方法分析了俄亥俄州(1940–1996)橡胶盐酸盐生产工人的白血病死亡率和职业接触苯的数据。苯暴露增加克隆扩增的模型很好地拟合了这些数据;几乎没有证据表明苯暴露与白血病的发生有关。自暴露以来,估计的暴露-反应相关性随暴露年龄的增加而增加,并随暴露时间而减少。该分析表明,通过使用简单的SAS程序,两阶段克隆扩展模型可以轻松适应流行病学队列数据。橡胶盐酸盐工人中白血病死亡率的说明性分析表明,苯对白血病风险的影响是由于暴露诱导的起始细胞增殖增加所致。



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