首页> 外文期刊>American journal of enology & viticulture >Achieving Vine Balance of Syrah with Mechanical Canopy Management and Regulated Deficit Irrigation

Achieving Vine Balance of Syrah with Mechanical Canopy Management and Regulated Deficit Irrigation


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Canopy architecture, yield components, fruit composition, and vigor of Syrah were measured in response T_o four canopy management and three regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments. The control consisted of dormant hand pruning T_o 22, two-node spurs (HP) with no further manipulation. Other treatments consisted of mechanically box pruning vines T_o 10 cm hedges and mechanically thinning the canopy T_o a density of 5 (CLL) or 7 (CLM) count shoots per 30 cm of row or mechanically box pruning T_o a 10 cm hedge with no shoot thinning (CLH). Control vines were irrigated T_o 70% of evapotranspiration (ET_o) from fruit set until harvest (RDIC). Other vines either received 70% of full vine ET_o until veraison and 50% of ET_o (RDIL) thereafter or received 50% of ET_o between fruit set and veraison (RDIE) and 70% thereafter. Mechanical shoot thinning (CLM) removed 25% of the T_otal shoots, exposing 70,600 shoots-ha~-1 with a distance of 4.6 cm between count shoots on the cordon, which translated T_o four leaf layers and 12.6 m2 leaf area. The combination of the CLM and RDIE decreased berry weight at harvest by 12% without decreasing yield compared T_o HP, resulting in 21.5 T_onsha~-1 yield. A combination of CLM and RDIE was needed T_o achieve vine balance with a crop load of 9.9 kg yield/kg pruning weight and a leaf area T_o fruit ratio of 0.75 m~2·kg~-1. The study identified a canopy management method that can be used in combination with regulated deficit irrigation that reduces input costs through mechanization and enhances berry composition with a vine balance that provides sustainable production.
机译:在响应时间T_o四个冠层管理和三个调节亏缺灌溉(RDI)处理中,测量了西拉(Syrah)的冠层结构,产量组成,果实组成和活力。该控件由休眠的手动修剪T_o 22,两节点尖刺(HP)组成,无需进一步操作。其他处理方法包括:机械修剪箱形藤蔓T_o 10厘米树篱,并机械疏疏冠层T_o密度为每30厘米行数5(CLL)或7(CLM)个枝条,或机械修剪箱形修剪T_o 10 cm的树篱而没有枝变薄(CLH)。从结实到收获(RDIC),灌溉对照葡萄藤的蒸腾量(ET_o)的70%。其他葡萄藤要么接受全葡萄ET_o的70%直到发芽,然后接受50%ET_o(RDIL),要么接受50%的ET_o结实和发芽(RDIE),然后再接受70%。机械芽稀疏(CLM)去除了25%的T_otal芽,使警戒线上的计数芽之间的距离为4.6 cm,使70,600个芽-ha〜-1暴露,转化为T_o四叶层和12.6 m2的叶面积。与T_o HP相比,CLM和RDIE的组合使收获时的浆果重量减少了12%,而产量没有降低,导致T_onsha〜-1产量为21.5。需要CLM和RDIE的组合才能达到藤本平衡,农作物负荷为9.9 kg / kg修剪重量,叶面积T_o果实比率为0.75 m〜2·kg〜-1。该研究确定了可以与调节性亏水灌溉结合使用的树冠管理方法,该方法可通过机械化降低投入成本,并通过提供可持续生产的藤本平衡增加浆果成分。



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