首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Comments on William D. Nordhaus's, 'Irving Fisher and the Contribution of Improved Longevity to Living Standards'

Comments on William D. Nordhaus's, 'Irving Fisher and the Contribution of Improved Longevity to Living Standards'

机译:评论威廉·诺德豪斯(William D. Nordhaus)的《欧弗·费舍尔(Irving Fisher)和提高寿命对生活水平的贡献》

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This essay discusses Fisher's contributions to life extension and to human capital theory. Bill Nordhaus's paper would, I think, have greatly pleased Irving Fisher. It brings together two major themes of Fisher's career: the economic value of improving the health of the population, and the measurement of economic quantities. After his recovery from tuberculosis, Fisher was a prolific writer on health issues, warning against alcohol, tobacco, stress, lack of exercise, and poor diet, sanitation, and hygiene as preventable causes of illness and death. He published more than 60 articles and pamphlets on health from 1910 to 1915 alone, not counting a dozen specifically on tuberculosis (Allen 1993: 139). The first 19 editions of Fisher's How to Live, written jointly with Dr. Eugene Lyman Fisk and first published in 1915, sold more than 400,000 copies in the United States by 1937, and the book was translated into Spanish, German, French, Polish, Russian, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese, and Japanese (Sudela 1937: 443). In addition, Metropolitan Life distributed between 12 and 15 million copies of a pamphlet condensation of How to Live (Allen 1993: 140). Fisher donated all his royalties from this phenomenal bestseller to his Life Extension Institute.
机译:本文讨论了费舍尔对延长寿命和对人力资本理论的贡献。我认为,Bill Nordhaus的论文会让Irving Fisher感到非常高兴。它汇集了费舍尔职业生涯的两个主要主题:改善人口健康的经济价值,以及对经济数量的衡量。从结核病中康复后,费舍尔成为一名健康多产的作家,他警告人们不要喝酒,吸烟,紧张,缺乏运动以及饮食,卫生和卫生状况差,可以预防疾病和死亡。仅在1910年至1915年间,他就发表了60多篇有关健康的文章和小册子,还不包括针对结核病的十几篇文章(Allen 1993:139)。与尤金·莱曼·菲斯克(Eugene Lyman Fisk)博士合着并于1915年首次出版的费舍尔的《如何生存》的前19个版本在1937年之前在美国售出了40万本,并将该书翻译成西班牙语,德语,法语,波兰语,俄语,意大利语,瑞典语,挪威语,中文和日语(Sudela 1937:443)。此外,《大都会人寿》还发行了12至1500万本《如何生活》的小册子缩编(Allen,1993:140)。费舍尔将他从这本畅销书中获得的所有版税都捐给了他的寿命延长研究所。



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