首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Dowd, Douglas, Ed. (2002). Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press. 183 pages. Hardcover ISBN-10: 0745317839; paperback ISBN-10: 0745317820

Dowd, Douglas, Ed. (2002). Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press. 183 pages. Hardcover ISBN-10: 0745317839; paperback ISBN-10: 0745317820

机译:道德,道格拉斯,爱德华(2002)。理解资本主义:从卡尔·马克思到阿玛蒂亚参议员的批评分析,弗吉尼亚州:冥王星出版社。 183页。精装书号ISBN-10:0743517839;平装书ISBN-10:0745317820

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In this work, Douglas Dowd succeeded in presenting a group of highly knowledgeable scholars who left a clear impact on the subject. Dowd defines his audience when he says on page 4 of the book: "Our book was written for those who, puzzled or upset by the functioning of the socio-economy, need and want to have a surer grasp of capitalism's realities." The book is composed of seven chapters. The first essay, covering Karl Marx's analysis of capitalism, was written by Michael Lebowitz, a professor of economics at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. According to him, Karl Marx's vision of good society was one that would unleash the full development of all human potential.
机译:在这项工作中,道格拉斯·道德(Douglas Dowd)成功地提出了一群知识渊博的学者,这些学者对该学科产生了明显影响。陶德(Dowd)在书的第4页说到时定义了听众:“我们的书是为那些因社会经济功能感到困惑或不安,需要并希望对资本主义现实有把握的人而写的。”该书共分七章。第一篇论文涉及卡尔·马克思对资本主义的分析,由加拿大温哥华西蒙·弗雷泽大学经济学教授迈克尔·莱博维茨撰写。据他介绍,卡尔·马克思关于善良社会的愿景是可以释放所有人类潜能的全部力量的愿景。




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