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Henry George, Jane Jacobs, and Free Trade


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Henry George and Jane Jacobs were both journalists and made a contribution to economics based on their commitment to the original version of free trade, as understood by 19(th)-century liberals, rather than the late 20(th)-century version. The distinctive concept of free trade, as originally understood, was as an instrument for small-scale producers to break up entrenched monopolies and serve the interests of the ordinary citizen. That was how Cobden used it in the debates over the Corn Laws in the 1840s, and how Ruskin, Gesell, Chesterton, and other critics conceived of economic liberation. In debates over free trade in recent decades, that term has come to mean a defense of power and privilege, the exact opposite of the intent of 19(th)-century liberals. George and Jacobs sought to restore the original meaning by developing theories of development and distribution that would enable the market system to benefit everyone.
机译:亨利·乔治(Henry George)和简·雅各布斯(Jane Jacobs)都是记者,都是基于对19世纪自由主义者所理解的原始版本自由贸易的承诺,而不是20世纪后期版本对经济学的贡献。如最初所理解的,自由贸易的独特概念是使小规模生产者打破根深蒂固的垄断并为普通公民的利益服务的工具。这就是科布登在1840年代有关《玉米法》的辩论中使用它的方式,以及鲁斯金,格塞尔,切斯特顿和其他批评家如何构想经济解放。在近几十年来有关自由贸易的辩论中,该术语的意思是捍卫权力和特权,与19世纪自由主义者的意图恰恰相反。乔治和雅各布斯(George and Jacobs)试图通过发展发展和分配理论来恢复其原始含义,这将使市场体系使所有人受益。



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