首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Who's Afraid of Rural Poverty? The Story Behind America's Invisible Poor

Who's Afraid of Rural Poverty? The Story Behind America's Invisible Poor


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Rural poverty and rural issues in general remain invisible in the United States to the urban majority. Rural sociologists have tried to raise these issues, but even in the field of sociology, they have been sidelined for several generations. Progressives treat urban poverty with sympathy and rural poverty with contempt because the latter is stereotyped as a problem that afflicts only white families, who are then blamed for failings of the economy as a whole. In fact, persistent rural poverty is concentrated in pockets in Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, and several other regions, many of which are inhabited by blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans. Nevertheless, it seems that making rural poverty as much a concern among progressive Democrats as urban poverty has been will require a different political orientation towards rural issues. Such an approach was visible briefly during Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, but it has had little influence on other candidates for high office.
机译:在美国,大多数城市仍然看不到农村贫困和农村问题。乡村社会学家试图提出这些问题,但是即使在社会学领域,他们也被代代相传。进步主义者将城市贫困同情对待,而农村贫困则鄙视农村贫困,因为后者被定型为仅困扰白人家庭的问题,而白人家庭则被指责为整个经济的失败。实际上,持续的农村贫困集中在阿巴拉契亚,密西西比三角洲和其他几个地区,其中许多地区居住着黑人,西班牙裔和美洲印第安人。尽管如此,要使进步的民主党人和农村贫困一样,要使农村贫困成为城市贫困,就需要对农村问题采取不同的政治取向。这种方法在巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)2008年总统大选期间短暂可见,但对其他担任高级职位的候选人影响很小。



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