首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Criminal Justice >Recidivism Outcomes for Suburban Mental Health Court Defendants

Recidivism Outcomes for Suburban Mental Health Court Defendants


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Mental health courts have recently emerged as one means to reduce the number of persons with mental illness in the criminal justice system. Using a post-test only comparison group design, this study examined rearrest rates for 1 year post discharge among three groups meeting admission criteria for a municipal mental health court. The rearrest rate of defendants who successfully completed the program (N = 351) was 14.5%, compared to 38% among defendants negatively terminated from the program (N = 137), and 25.8% among defendants who chose not to participate (N = 89). This positive result held even when controlling for a range of variables in a Cox regression survival analysis. Factors associated with rearrest are identified for each of the three groups.
机译:精神卫生法院最近成为减少刑事司法系统中精神疾病患者人数的一种手段。使用仅测试后的比较组设计,该研究检查了满足市精神卫生法院入院标准的三个组中出院后1年的后坐率。成功完成该计划的被告(N = 351)的再逮捕率为14.5%,而被该计划否决的被告被告(N = 137)的重犯率为38%,而选择不参加的被告(N = 89)为25.8%。 )。即使在Cox回归生存分析中控制一定范围的变量时,也能保持这种积极的结果。对于三组中的每组,都确定了与后靠相关的因素。



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