首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Botany >Allozyme diversity in three endemic species of Cistus (Cistaceae) from the Canary Islands: intraspecific and interspecific comparisons and implications for genetic conservation

Allozyme diversity in three endemic species of Cistus (Cistaceae) from the Canary Islands: intraspecific and interspecific comparisons and implications for genetic conservation


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Patterns of variation at 13 isozyme loci were examined in 11 populations in three Cistus species strictly endemic to the Canary Islands. Cistus osbaeckiaefolius and C. chinamadensis display low levels of isozyme variation associated with moderate to high interpopulation differentiation, which probably arose through historical bottlenecks in a landscape of habitat fragmentation, grazing, and human influence. By contrast, C. symphytifolius ranks among the subset of narrow endemics with high levels of isozyme variation and features different degrees of genetic structuring that are closely associated with taxonomic ascription. Low interpopulation differentiation in var. leucophyllus is possibly a reflection of its recent origin or of moderate levels of gene flow between its populations. High interpopulation differentiation in var. symphytifolius probably arose due to slight ecological differences between populations coupled with low levels of gene flow. Interpretation of neighbor-joining trees in the light of geological data substantiates the hypothesis that C. symphytifolius (or a very close relative) might be the ancestor of the other stands of Cistus in the islands. Conservation implications of our survey are the identification of the two populations of C. chinamadensis with the highest allele and genotype richness for preservation on genetic grounds and advice to prevent artificial gene flow in this taxon lest it might disrupt locally adapted gene combinations. All populations of C. osbaeckiaefolius should be given conservation priority on ecological grounds despite their genetic depauperation.
机译:在加纳利群岛特有的3个Cistus物种中,对11 种群中13个同工酶基因座的变异模式进行了研究。 Cistus osbaeckiaefolius和C. chinamadensis 表现出与中度 到高种群间分化相关的低水平同工酶变异,这可能是由于景观中的历史瓶颈引起的生境破碎化, 放牧和人类影响的原因。相反,C。symphytifolius 在同工酶变异水平高的狭窄地方病子集中,并且具有不同程度的遗传 结构 var的种群间分化低。白细胞可能是 的反映,可能反映了其最近的起源或种群之间基因流的中等水平 。变种中高种群间差异 缘植物可能是由于种群之间的轻微生态差异和低水平的基因流而产生的。根据地质数据 对相邻树木的解释证实了以下假设:共生C. symphytifolius (或非常近亲)可能是另一个的祖先岛屿上的Cistus站。 调查的保护意义在于确定 C的两个种群。具有最高等位基因和基因型丰富度的中华绒螯蟹以遗传为基础进行保存,并提出防止该分类群中人工 基因流的建议,以免破坏当地适应的 基因组合。尽管 遗传退化,所有的C. osbaeckiaefolius种群均应出于生态理由给予 优先保护。



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