首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Botany >Fertility of Vriesea gigantea Gaud. (Bromeliaceae) in southern Brazil

Fertility of Vriesea gigantea Gaud. (Bromeliaceae) in southern Brazil

机译:Vriesea gigantea Gaud的生育能力。 (凤梨科)在巴西南部

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Plant fertility is a central subject of many questions in plant evolutionary and conservation biology. Pollen availability, abioticnresources, and flowering pattern can limit fruit and seed production. Open pollination and pollen supplementation studies are usednto estimate any pollen limitation in natural populations. To study the impact of these factors on the reproductive success ofnVriesea gigantea, an epiphytic bromeliad in the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil, its fertility in four natural populations in Itapua˜ StatenPark was assessed by considering plant and inflorescence size, flower production, fruit and seed set, flower and fruit set pattern,nand seed viability and germination rate. Supplemental pollination in adult plants was used to determine whether fruit production innV. gigantea is limited by reception of pollen. The results showed that V. gigantea has a high production of flowers, fruits, andnseeds. Seeds are highly viable in all populations, presenting an average germination rate of 94% (SE 6 3.5). Plants of V. giganteanfrom Itapua˜ State Park are highly fertile. The high proportion of fruit and seed set after manual hand pollination indicates that thenspecies is self-compatible. Pollination treatments showed evidence of pollinator limitation in the Itapua˜ State Park population.
机译:植物育性是植物进化和保护生物学中许多问题的中心主题。花粉的可用性,非生物资源和开花方式会限制果实和种子的产量。公开授粉和花粉补充研究用于估计自然种群中的任何花粉限制。为了研究这些因素对巴西大西洋雨林的附生凤梨nVriesea gigantea的繁殖成功的影响,通过考虑植物和花序大小,花的产量,果实和种子的集结来评估其在Itapua〜StatenPark的四个自然种群中的繁殖力。 ,花果结实模式,种子活力和发芽率。成年植物中的辅助授粉用于确定果实的产量是否为innV。 gigantea受花粉限制。结果表明,巨型V. gigantea具有较高的花朵,果实和种子的产量。种子在所有种群中都具有很高的活力,平均发芽率为94%(SE 6 3.5)。来自伊塔普阿州立公园的巨大山茱V植物非常肥沃。手工授粉后结实的果实和种子的比例很高,表明该种是自交配的。授粉处理显示了伊塔普阿州立公园人口中授粉媒介限制的证据。



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