首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Botany >Systematics of the Carex aquatilis and C. lenticularis lineages: Geographically and ecologically divergent sister clades of Carex section Phacocystis (Cyperaceae)

Systematics of the Carex aquatilis and C. lenticularis lineages: Geographically and ecologically divergent sister clades of Carex section Phacocystis (Cyperaceae)


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Carex aquatilis is a highly diverse and geographically widespread member of one of the largest genera of flowering plants, Carex, and is ideally suited for the study of the role of hybridization and niche partitioning in ecological speciation. Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ITS and ETS 1f and chloroplast psbA-trnH DNA sequences support the monophyly of a broadly defined Carex aquatilis-Carex lenticularis lineage, which includes C. aquatilis and C. lenticularis and their allies within section Phacocystis. However, neither taxon is monophyletic as currently circumscribed. The C. aquatilis lineage includes C. aquatilis and four morphologically and molecularly distinct salt-tolerant maritime taxa with which C. aquatilis s.s. is reported to form stabilized homoploid hybrids. The C. lenticularis lineage includes a paraphyletic C. lenticularis and seven allied species from both the New and Old World. The data provided here allow recognition of four species within the North American endemic C. lenticularis and suggest a neotropical origin for the C. lenticularis lineage with subsequent radiation and divergence through northwestern North America to Asia and via northeastern North America to Europe and southern South America. Evolutionary rate analyses indicate an origin for the C. aquatilis-C. lenticularis group around 1.89 million years ago during the early Pleistocene.
机译:苔草(Carex aquatilis)是最大的开花植物属之一的苔草(Carex, )的一个高度多样性且在地理上广泛分布的成员,非常适合研究杂交作用(sup) > 和生态物种的生态位分区。核ITS和ETS 1f和叶绿体psbA-trnH DNA序列的系统发育分析支持广泛定义的Carex 其中包括Aquatilis 和C. lenticularis及其在Phacocystis节内的同盟。 但是,这两个分类单元都不是单系的。 aquatilis谱系包括C. aquatilis和四个形态上和分子上不同的耐盐海洋生物分类群,其中 C。水产养殖公司据报道形成稳定的单倍体杂种。 扁豆状线虫谱系包括亲缘关系的扁豆状线虫 以及来自新大陆和旧大陆的七个同盟物种。此处提供的 数据可以识别北美地方性扁豆状念珠菌内的四个物种,并为扁豆状念珠菌谱系建议新近的 起源。随后的辐射 ,并通过北美西北部传播到亚洲,并通过北美东北部传播到欧洲和南部 美国。进化率分析表明 C的起源。水藻早更新世前大约189万年前的lenticularis组。



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