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The economics of reparations


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The United States government's posture at the 2001 World Conference Against Racism (WCAR), where the transatlantic slave trade was declared a crime against humanity, evaded a warranted claim by African-Americans for compensation for the enslavement of their ancestors. This evasive posture is anomalous in light of U.S. government support for and administration of reparations for other groups subjected to recent or historic grievous wrongs. Indeed, the U.S. government has undertaken numerous reparations payments to native American tribes for atrocities and treaty violations. Two examples include the 1971 grant of USD1 billion and 44 million acres of land to Alaskan natives, and the 1986 grant of USD32 million to the Ottawa tribe of Michigan (Dorothy Benton-Lewis, 1978 [chart]). In addition, in 1990, the U.S. government issued a formal apology to Japanese-Americans subjected to internment during World War II and made a USD20,000 payment to each of 60,000 identified victims (Benton-Lewis, 1978 p.1).
机译:在2001年世界反对种族主义世界会议(WCAR)上,美国政府的立场是跨大西洋奴隶贸易被宣布为危害人类罪。美国政府回避了非洲裔美国人为补偿其祖先的奴役而提出的理所当然的要求。鉴于美国政府对遭受近期或历史严重错误之苦的其他团体的支持和赔偿管理,这种回避态度是反常的。实际上,美国政府已为暴行和违反条约的行为向美国原住民部落支付了大量赔偿金。两个例子包括1971年向阿拉斯加人提供的10亿美元和4400万英亩土地赠款,以及1986年向密歇根州的渥太华部落提供的3200万美元赠款(Dorothy Benton-Lewis,1978年[图])。此外,在1990年,美国政府向在第二次世界大战期间被拘留的日裔美国人正式道歉,并向60,000名被确定的受害者每人支付20,000美元(Benton-Lewis,1978年,第1页)。



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