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Academic Journal Pricing and the Demand of Libraries


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The prices of for-profit academic journals have increased rapidly over the past decade (Barbara Albee and Brenda Dingley, 2001). There remains substantial debate as to the explanation for these increases. Among those put forward are the increased concentration of the journal industry (see e.g., McCabe, 2002) and the relatively recent effort by major publishers to bundle print and electronic journals (Aaron S. Edlin and Rubinfeld, 2004). While both explanations are undoubtedly important, what is missing is the significant role of the primary customers of journal publishers—the academic libraries. As agents of college and university faculties, libraries serve the interests of their principals while having only limited information about faculty journal demands. Facing little or no hard budget constraint, faculty are unlikely or unwilling to make difficult allocative choices. As a result, libraries have been making hard choices for years (between journals and books, and among journals), in a world of increasing budgetary pressure.
机译:在过去十年中,以营利为目的的学术期刊的价格迅速上涨(Barbara Albee和Brenda Dingley,2001年)。关于这些增加的解释仍存在大量争论。其中提出的是期刊行业的集中度提高(例如,参见McCabe,2002),以及主要出版商相对较近期的努力,以捆绑印刷和电子期刊(Aaron S.Edlin和Rubinfeld,2004)。尽管这两种解释无疑都是重要的,但缺少的是期刊出版者的主要客户即学术图书馆的重要作用。作为大学和学院系的代理人,图书馆为校长的利益服务,而关于学院期刊需求的信息却很少。面对很少或没有硬预算约束,教师不太可能或不愿意做出困难的分配选择。结果,在预算压力日益增加的世界里,图书馆多年来一直在做出艰难的选择(在期刊和书籍之间以及期刊之间)。



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