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Meese-Rogoff Redux: Micro-Based Exchange-Rate Forecasting

机译:Meese-Rogoff Redux:基于微观的汇率预测

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This paper compares the true, ex ante forecasting performance of a micro-based model against both a standard macro model and a random walk. In contrast to existing literature, which is focused on longer-horizon forecasting, we examine forecasting over horizons from one day to one month (the one-month horizon being where micro and macro analysis begin to overlap). Over our three-year forecasting sample, we find that the micro-based model consistently outperforms both the random walk and the macro model. Micro-based forecasts account for almost 16 percent of the sample variance in monthly spot rate changes. These results provide a level of empirical validation as yet unat-tained by other models. The forecasting experiment proposed by Richard Meese and Kenneth Rogoff (1983) remains a benchmark against which exchange-rate models are judged. Their result that structural macro models cannot outperform a naive random walk has proved robust over the decades. Yet, the Meese-Rogoff paper was never about forecasting in the true sense (i.e., using time-t information to forecast exchange rates at t + 1). By using concurrent, realized values of the forcing variables, their regressions were more about concurrent explanation than about ex ante forecasting. Their only "forecasting" element is in their reliance on ex ante data to estimate equation parameters, which appropriately penalized models whose estimated parameters were unstable.
机译:本文将基于微模型的真实,事前预测性能与标准宏模型和随机游动进行了比较。与专注于较长时间预测的现有文献形成对比,我们研究了从一天到一个月(一个月的视野是微观和宏观分析开始重叠的时间)的预测。在我们的三年预测样本中,我们发现基于微观的模型始终优于随机游走模型和宏观模型。基于微观的预测几乎占每月即期汇率变化的样本方差的16%。这些结果提供了其他模型尚未达到的经验验证水平。 Richard Meese和Kenneth Rogoff(1983)提出的预测实验仍然是判断汇率模型的基准。他们的结果是结构宏模型不能胜过幼稚的随机游走,这在过去的几十年中被证明是可靠的。然而,Meese-Rogoff论文从来没有真正意义上的预测(即使用时间t信息来预测t + 1处的汇率)。通过使用强制变量的并发实现值,它们的回归更多地是关于并发解释,而不是事前预测。他们唯一的“预测”要素是依靠事前数据来估计方程参数,方程参数被适当地惩罚了估计参数不稳定的模型。



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