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Fear and Greed in Financial Markets: A Clinical Study of Day-Traders


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The rationality of financial markets has been one of the most hotly contested issues in the history of modern financial economics. Recent critics of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis argue that investors are generally irrational, exhibiting a number of predictable and financially ruinous biases, often attributed to psychological factors—fear, greed, and other emotional responses to price fluctuations and dramatic changes in an investor's wealth. However, recent research in the cognitive sciences and financial economics suggest an important link between rationality in decision-making and emotion (S. Grossberg and W. Gutowski, 1987; A. Damasio, 1994; Jon Elster, 1998; Lo, 1999; George Loewenstein, 2000; E. Peters and P. Slovic, 2000), implying that the two notions are not antithetical, but in fact complementary. For example, in a pilot study of 10 professional securities traders during live trading sessions, Lo and Repin (2002) present psychophysiolog- ical evidence that even the most seasoned trader exhibits significant emotional response, as measured by elevated levels of skin conductance and cardiovascular variables, during certain transient market events such as increased price volatility or intra-day breaks in trend. In a series of case studies, B. Steenbarger (2002) also presents evidence linking emotion with trading performance.
机译:金融市场的合理性一直是现代金融经济学史上最受争议的问题之一。最近对有效市场假说的批评者认为,投资者通常是不理性的,表现出许多可预见的和财务上毁灭性的偏见,通常归因于心理因素-对价格波动和投资者财富的急剧变化的恐惧,贪婪和其他情感反应。但是,最近关于认知科学和金融经济学的研究表明,决策理性与情感之间存在着重要联系(S. Grossberg和W. Gutowski,1987; A.Damasio,1994; Jon Elster,1998; Lo,1999; George Loewenstein,2000; E。Peters和P.Slovic,2000),这暗示着这两个概念不是对立的,而是互补的。例如,在实时交易过程中对10名专业证券交易员的一项初步研究中,Lo和Repin(2002)提出了心理生理证据,即即使经验最丰富的交易员也表现出显着的情绪反应(通过皮肤电导和心血管变量水平的升高来衡量) ,在某些短暂的市场事件中,例如价格波动加剧或日内趋势突破。在一系列案例研究中,B。Steenbarger(2002)还提出了将情感与交易表现联系起来的证据。



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