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Court's Second '07-'08 ADR Case Challenges Arbitrator Supremacy

机译:法院第二个'07 -'08 ADR案件挑战仲裁员的至高无上

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Less than two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court in Buckeye Check Cashing Inc. v. Cardegna, 546 U.S. 440 (2006), clarified that arbitrators, not judges, have primary responsibility for determining the validity of contracts containing arbitration clauses. The Buckeye Court held that, as a matter of substantive arbitration law under the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§1-16, any challenge to the validity of the contract as a whole must be determined by the arbitrator, even if the obligation to arbitrate is contained in the contract claimed to be unenforceable. The Court made clear that this FAA-based principle applies even to state law-based challenges to contract validity sought to be presented to a state court. Buckeye has since been cited in more than 170 federal and state court decisions, often as embodying the FAA's pro-arbitration policy, and the nationwide trend toward enforcement of arbitration agreements.
机译:不到两年前,美国最高法院在Buckeye Check Cashing Inc.诉Cardegna案,546 U.S. 440(2006)中明确指出,仲裁员而非法官对确定包含仲裁条款的合同的有效性负主要责任。七叶树法院认为,根据《联邦仲裁法》下的实体仲裁法,《美国法典》第9编§§1-16,对整个合同有效性的任何质疑都必须由仲裁员确定,即使仲裁义务包含在声称不可执行的合同中。法院明确指出,这种基于FAA的原则甚至适用于基于州法律的对要提交州法院提出的合同有效性的质疑。此后,Buckeye已在170多个联邦和州法院判决中被引用,通常体现为FAA的支持仲裁政策以及在全国范围内实施仲裁协议的趋势。



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