首页> 外文期刊>Algorithmica >Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for Max Internal Spanning Tree

Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for Max Internal Spanning Tree


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We consider the NP-hard problem of finding a spanning tree with a maximum number of internal vertices. This problem is a generalization of the famous Hamiltonian Path problem. Our dynamic-programming algorithms for general and degree-bounded graphs have running times of the form O~*(c") with c ≤ 2. For graphs with bounded degree, c < 2. The main result, however, is a branching algorithm for graphs with maximum degree three. It only needs polynomial space and has a running time of O(1.8612") when analyzed with respect to the number of vertices. We also show that its running time is 2.1364~kn~(O(1)) when the goal is to find a spanning tree with at least k internal vertices. Both running time bounds are obtained via a Measure & Conquer analysis, the latter one being a novel use of this kind of analysis for parameterized algorithms.
机译:我们考虑找到具有最大内部顶点数的生成树的NP难题。这个问题是著名的哈密顿路径问题的推广。我们针对一般图和有界图的动态编程算法的运行时间的形式为O〜*(c“),c≤2。对于有界图,c <2。但是,主要结果是分支算法对于最大度数为3的图,仅需要多项式空间,并且相对于顶点数进行分析,其运行时间为O(1.8612“)。我们还表明,当目标是查找具有至少k个内部顶点的生成树时,其运行时间为2.1364〜kn〜(O(1))。这两个运行时限都是通过Measure&Conquer分析获得的,后者是对参数化算法进行这种分析的一种新颖用法。



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