首页> 外文期刊>Algorithmica >Optimal External Memory Planar Point Enclosure

Optimal External Memory Planar Point Enclosure


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In this paper we study the external memory planar point enclosure problem: Given N axis-parallel rectangles in the plane, construct a data structure on disk (an index) such that all K rectangles containing a query point can be reported I/O-efficiently. This problem has important applications in e.g. spatial and temporal databases, and is dual to the important and well-studied orthogonal range searching problem. Surprisingly, despite the fact that the problem can be solved optimally in internal memory with linear space and O(log N+K) query time, we show that one cannot construct a linear sized external memory point enclosure data structure that can be used to answer a query in O(log B N+K/B) I/Os, where B is the disk block size. To obtain this bound, Ω(N/B 1−ε ) disk blocks are needed for some constant ε>0. With linear space, the best obtainable query bound is O(log 2 N+K/B) if a linear output term O(K/B) is desired. To show this we prove a general lower bound on the tradeoff between the size of the data structure and its query cost. We also develop a family of structures with matching space and query bounds.
机译:在本文中,我们研究外部存储器平面点包围问题:给定平面中的N个轴平行矩形,在磁盘上构造一个数据结构(索引),以便可以有效地I / O报告所有包含查询点的K个矩形。这个问题在例如时空数据库,对重要且经过充分研究的正交范围搜索问题是双重的。出人意料的是,尽管事实上该问题可以在具有线性空间和O(log N + K)查询时间的内部存储器中得到最佳解决,但我们表明,人们无法构造一个线性大小的外部存储点封装数据结构来回答O(log B N + K / B)I / O中的查询,其中B是磁盘块大小。为了获得该界限,对于某个常数ε> 0,需要Ω(N / B 1-ε)个磁盘块。对于线性空间,如果需要线性输出项O(K / B),则最佳可获得的查询范围为O(log 2 N + K / B)。为了证明这一点,我们证明了数据结构的大小与其查询成本之间的折衷的一般下限。我们还开发了一系列具有匹配空间和查询范围的结构。



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