首页> 外文期刊>Aircraft Design >'Starting mass'—a complex criterion of quality for aircraft on-board systems

'Starting mass'—a complex criterion of quality for aircraft on-board systems


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It is very important to have minimum weight of aircraft equipment. It allows to increase the payload or flight range or to improve some other aircraft characteristics. For the systems that are consuming energy during the flight it is not less important to save the power spent on their functioning. "Starting mass" gives the opportunity to combine these two heterogeneous sides of the equipment properties into one complex characteristic, which depends on the flight duration and on the aircraft engine parameters. The main idea in solving the problem of combining mass and energy in one complex parameter arises from the fact that practically the only on-board source of energy is the fuel stored in the aircraft tanks. Therefore, the energy consumed by the system may be substituted by the equivalent mass of fuel. Another component of the "starting mass" is the fuel spent on the transportation of the first two parts. The necessity of this third part arises from the differences in fuel expenditure on transportation of unchangeable and changeable loads during the flight. The summation of these weight components is called "starting mass" because all of them should be present in the aircraft before take-off. The core of the method was developed by Bulaevsky and myself. It is refined and partially corrected in this paper.
机译:最小化飞机设备的重量非常重要。它可以增加有效载荷或飞行范围,或改善其他飞机特性。对于在飞行过程中消耗能量的系统,节省花费在其功能上的功率也同样重要。 “起始质量”提供了将设备属性的这两个异构方面组合为一个复杂特性的机会,这取决于飞行时间和飞机发动机参数。解决将质量和能量组合在一个复杂参数中的问题的主要思想源于以下事实:实际上,机载唯一的机载能源是飞机油箱中存储的燃料。因此,系统消耗的能量可以由等量的燃料代替。 “起始质量”的另一个组成部分是前两个部分的运输所花费的燃料。第三部分的必要性是由于在飞行过程中运输不变的和可变的载荷时燃料消耗的差异。这些重量分量的总和称为“起始质量”,因为它们都应在起飞前出现在飞机上。该方法的核心由布拉维斯基和我自己开发。本文对此进行了完善和部分纠正。



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