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Ground Proximity Warnings


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Whenever an airplane is functioning properly but nonetheless slams into terrain, either because it is off course or because the pilot has lost track of his position, the technical term is "controlled flight into terrain"―CFIT, pronounced "SEE-fit." Around the world, about four flights succumb to CFIT each year. Investigators recently found CFIT to be a factor when a Fokker F-28 slammed into a cloud-covered mountaintop in Peru last January 9, Wiling all 47 people aboard. The Federal Aviation Administration attempted to reduce the incidence of CFIT by mandating in 1974 that aircraft operate with Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS). But the systems had limitations. GPWS relied on the airplane's radio altimeter, which determines the aircraft's altitude by bouncing a radar signal off the ground and measuring the duration of the signal's round trip. "The sensor was looking straight down," says Greg Francois of Honeywell Aerospace. "If you were going into very steep terrain, then you got a very short warning"―10 to 15 seconds or less. And GPWS cockpit displays were crude; their sole visual warnings were lights. Even with GPWS, the pilot of that F-28 still flew his airplane into a mountain.
机译:每当飞机正常运行但因其偏离航道或飞行员失去位置而撞向地形时,技术术语为“受控飞行进入地形” CFIT,发音为“ SEE-fit”。在世界范围内,每年约有四班航班屈服于CFIT。调查人员最近发现,去年1月9日,福克(Fokker)F-28撞向秘鲁一个被乌云遮盖的山顶时,CFIT成为了一个因素。联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)于1974年通过强制要求飞机使用地面接近警告系统(GPWS)来减少CFIT的发生。但是系统有局限性。 GPWS依靠飞机的无线电高度仪,该高度仪通过将雷达信号弹离地面并测量信号往返的持续时间来确定飞机的高度。霍尼韦尔航空航天公司的格雷格·弗朗索瓦(Greg Francois)说:“传感器一直在向下看。” “如果您要进入非常陡峭的地形,则会收到非常短的警告” – 10至15秒或更短。 GPWS的座舱显示器很粗糙。他们唯一的视觉警告是灯光。即使使用GPWS,那架F-28的飞行员仍然将飞机飞入山上。



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