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The First Shuttle


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In 1976, the same year the Smithsonian Institution opened the National Air and Space Museum on the Mall in Washington, D.C., the space shuttle prototype Enterprise rolled out of the factory at Rockwell International in California For the next three years, NASA used the vehicle in approach and landing tests, launch pad checks, vibration tolerance tests, and old-fashioned public relations stunts, including a flight around the Washington Beltway in 1983, while piggybacked to a Boeing 747. "People here said it was just an amazing sight," says Valerie Neal, curator for the Enterprise, which is now on display in the James S, McDonnell space hangar at the Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center at Washington-Dulles airport in northern Virginia. By 1985, NASA was ready to retire the Enterprise, but the Museum had no room for it, so the shuttle camped out at Dulles airport. For several years it sat outside, visible to airline passengers taxiing by. Silt and water leaked into the interior. The sun bleached the outer tiles. In 1992, a temporary structure was built to house the Enterprise and other artifacts. Still, by the time the shuttle was moved to Udvar-Hazy last November 20, it needed a rigorous cleaning.
机译:1976年,即史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)于同年在华盛顿特区的购物中心开设了国家航空博物馆,航天飞机原型Enterprise在加利福尼亚州罗克韦尔​​国际公司的工厂推出。在随后的三年中,NASA在进近和着陆测试,发射台检查,耐振动测试以及老式的公共关系特技,包括1983年在华盛顿环城公路上进行的飞行,同时搭载波音747飞机。“这里的人们说,这真是令人赞叹的景象,”企业策展人瓦莱丽·尼尔(Valerie Neal)说,该博物馆现正陈列在位于弗吉尼亚北部华盛顿特区杜勒斯机场的史蒂芬·乌德瓦·哈兹中心的史蒂芬·乌德瓦·哈兹中心的麦克唐纳詹姆斯机舱中。到1985年,美国国家航空航天局已准备退休企业,但博物馆没有空间,因此航天飞机在杜勒斯机场扎营。它坐了好几年,外面的出租车乘客都可以看到它。淤泥和水泄漏到内部。阳光漂白了外墙砖。 1992年,建造了一个临时结构来容纳企业版和其他工件。尽管如此,当航天飞机于去年11月20日移至Udvar-Hazy时,仍需要进行严格的清洁。



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