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Ⅱ-22PP Begins State Trials


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The Ilyushin Ⅱ-22PP, an upgraded stand-off jamming aircraft based on the Ⅱ-22 Coot-B airframe, has started state trials. The Ⅱ-22PP was developed under the Porubschchik project, which aimed to develop a new electronic warfare system to jam the radars of NATO airborne warning and control system aircraft and the Patriot missile air defence systems, as well as the communication links of unmanned air vehicles. At the heart of the aircraft's mission systems is the L-415 jamming station developed and produced by the Myasishchev Experimental Machinery Plant at Zhukovsky outside Moscow. The first aircraft modified was RA-75903 (c 0393610235), which arrived at 20 Aviatsionnyy Remont Zavod (Aviation Repair Works) at Pushkin, St Petersburg, by January 2009 in a basic Aeroflot scheme. Modifications and installation of the L-415 took place in 2011 and the airframe gained large fairings on the forward and central fuselage sides, plus a small pod under the fuselage at the trailing edge of the wings. Small radomes were mounted at the tip of the tail and on the rear fuselaae.
机译:基于Ⅱ-22Coot-B机体的升级型对峙干扰飞机伊柳辛Ⅱ-22PP已开始进行状态试验。 Ⅱ-22PP是在Porubschchik项目下开发的,该项目旨在开发一种新的电子战系统,以干扰北约机载预警控制系统飞机和爱国者导弹防空系统的雷达以及无人飞行器的通信链路。这架飞机的任务系统的核心是由莫斯科郊外朱可夫斯基的Myasishchev实验机械厂开发和生产的L-415干扰站。改装的第一架飞机是RA-75903(c / n 0393610235),该飞机于2009年1月按照基本的俄航计划抵达了位于圣彼得堡普希金的20 Aviatsionnyy Remont Zavod(航空维修厂)。 L-415的改装和安装于2011年进行,机身在机身的前部和中央部增加了整流罩,并在机翼后缘的机身下方增加了一个小吊舱。小型天线罩安装在尾巴的尖端和后机身上。



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