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Hunting SAMs over Mount Olympus


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Between April 1 and 12, Exercise Iniochos 2019 (Charioteer 2019), involving 87 fixed-wing aircraft including 83 fighter jets, two UAVs and six helicopters, was held at Andravida Air Base in Greece. This year's exercise was primarily focused on the suppression of enemy air defences (SEAD) role and was perhaps driven by Turkey's infamous acquisition of the Russian S-400 SAM or surface-to-air missile system, which has led to a rift between the US and its NATO ally. Every year, between September and November, Polemiki Aeroporia (Hellenic Air Force) fighter jet crews train at Andravida with the Kentro Aeroporikis Taktikis (KEAT or Air Tactics Centre). The training course comprises two phases each lasting six weeks. The first inculcates the theory of combat tactics in lessons on the ground and in the air, and in the second part the students hone their skills to a fine edge.
机译:4月1日和12日之间,举办了87架固定翼飞机,包括83架战斗机,两个无人机和六架直升机的固定翼飞机,在希腊的Andravida Air Base举行,锻炼伊诺伊州2019年(Charioteer 2019)。今年的锻炼主要专注于抑制敌人的空气防御(SEAD)的作用,也许是土耳其对俄罗斯S-400 SAM或地表到空中导弹系统的臭名昭着的驱动,这导致了美国之间的裂痕和它的北约盟友。每年,每年在9月和11月之间,Polimiki Aeroporia(希腊空军)战斗机船员在安德拉拉维达与Kentro Aeroporikis Taktikis(Keat或Air Tactics Centre)的Andravida。培训课程包括两个阶段,每个阶段持续六周。首先将战斗策略理论在地面和空中的课程中,在第二部分中,学生将他们的技能磨练到一个细边。



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