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Dawn at Kill Devil Hill


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'Isn't it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so that we could discover them!" The words were those of Orville Wright, written in June 1902. Within six months, Orville and his brother, Wilbur, were at Kitty Hawk, N.C., with their fully assembled and fully tested machine, the Flyer, waiting for all to the discovered secrets and hard work to come together as something momentous. It was cold on the morning of Dec. 17―almost too cold to work outside. A cold, gusty north wind was blowing, and almost at gale strength. The steady, 25 mph wind made the 30-degree temperature feel like 16 degrees. The term "wind chill" was still unknown in 1903, but the Wright brothers understood the effects only too well. The body loses heat at an accelerated pace. Hands become stiff. Eyes water. The throat feels cold, the ears tingle. Hauling, lifting―indeed, any heavy work outdoors―makes the wind feel like an adversary.
机译:“所有这些秘密被保存了这么多年才使我们能够发现它们,这真是令人惊讶!”这句话是1902年6月写的奥维尔·赖特(Orville Wright)的写照。六个月之内,奥维尔和他的兄弟威尔伯(Wilbur)在北卡罗来纳州的基蒂霍克(Kitty Hawk),他们配备了经过完全组装和经过测试的机器,等待着所有发现的秘密和艰苦的工作,这是很重要的。12月17日上午,天气很冷,几乎太冷了在户外工作时,阵阵阵阵冷风猛烈,几乎达到了大风的强度。持续的25英里/小时的稳定风使30度的温度像16度。1903年,“风寒”一词仍然未知,但是赖特兄弟对这种影响的理解太深了:身体以加速的速度散发热量,手变得僵硬,眼睛注水,喉咙发凉,耳朵发麻,牵引,抬起(实际上是在户外进行的繁重工作)使风像对手。



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