
Ambush at Najaf


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During Gulf War Ⅱ, the Army sent its Apache helicopters to mount a "deep attack" against an Iraqi unit. Small-arms and anti-aircraft fire downed one Apache, and the other helicopters retreated, some damaged so seriously they had to be grounded for weeks. That aborted mission has become the subject of one of the most controversial postwar debates. There's little dispute about what happened. On March 24, Lt. Gen. William S. Wallace, the Army's V Corps commander, ordered 32 AH-64 Apaches from the 11th Aviation Regiment to mount an attack behind enemy lines against the Iraqi Republican Guard Medina Division. The corridor near Najaf that the Apaches planned to fly through was modestly populated, so commanders decided against the usual suppression fire―mainly artillery―used to silence enemy forces that could threaten the helicopters. That opening gave the Iraqis one of their few battlefield victories of the war.
机译:在第二次海湾战争中,陆军派出其阿帕奇直升机对伊拉克部队进行了“深度攻击”。小武器和高射炮击落了一架阿帕奇直升机,另一架直升机撤退,其中一些受损严重,必须停飞数周。这项中止的任务已成为战后争议最大的辩论之一。关于发生的事情几乎没有争议。 3月24日,陆军V军总司令威廉·华莱士中将命令第11航空团的32架AH-64阿帕奇人向伊拉克共和党后卫麦迪纳分部的敌军发起进攻。阿帕奇人计划飞越纳杰夫附近的走廊的人口不多,因此指挥官决定反对通常的镇压火力(主要是大炮),用来压制可能威胁直升机的敌军。这次开放给伊拉克人带来了战争中他们为数不多的战场胜利之一。



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