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Command From the Air


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In one of the last major actions of Gulf War Ⅱ, the coalition mounted a heavy bomber strike on a Baghdad site thought to be the hiding place of Saddam Hussein and his sons. The first step was for planners to confirm and approve the target. Once that happened, a very short operational sequence commenced. An Air Force E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft orbiting above Iraq got the "go" signal. The AWACS relayed the tasking and coordinates to a nearby B-1B. The bomber crew keyed in the data. Twelve minutes later, the target lay in ruins. "This is the big one," said an anonymous air battle manager aboard the E-3, a modified Boeing 707 with a rotating radar atop the fuselage. He might have said the same about the sophisticated radar aircraft that monitors, tracks, and directs air traffic. Airborne battle management with the E-3―and with the E-8C Joint STARS, in the case of ground targets―gives the United States an awesome asymmetric advantage.
机译:在第二次海湾战争的最后一项重大行动中,该联盟在巴格达的一个地点发动了轰炸机的猛烈袭击,该地点被认为是萨达姆·侯赛因及其儿子的藏身之处。第一步是让计划人员确认并批准目标。一旦发生这种情况,便开始了非常短的操作程序。一架在伊拉克上方飞行的空军E-3机载预警与控制系统飞机获得了“出发”信号。 AWACS将任务分配并协调到附近的B-1B。轰炸机人员输入了数据。十二分钟后,目标一片废墟。 “这是大事,” E-3上的一位匿名空战经理说,这是一架经过改装的波音707,机身顶部装有旋转雷达。他可能对监视,跟踪和指挥空中交通的复杂雷达飞机也说过同样的话。 E-3和E-8C联合STARS的空降战斗管理,在地面目标的情况下,为美国提供了非同寻常的优势。



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