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The Courage of Lance Sijan


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In the fall of 1967, traffic was surging on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the lifeline by which North Vietnam sustained the war in the south. The trail ran down the western side of the Annam Mountains, through the Laotian panhandle and Cambodia, into South Vietnam. Truck convoys departing from the supply hub at Vinh in North Vietnam gained access to the Ho Chi Minh Trail through the Mu Gia and Ban Karai Passes in the mountains. The passes were heavily defended with anti-aircraft artillery. Traffic on the trail moved mostly at night. During daylight hours, the trucks hid under camouflage or in concealed parking areas in the jungle. In a renewed effort to interdict the flow of troops and supplies, the Air Force, in November 1967, doubled the number of attack sorties flown against the trail. The targets included not only the truck convoys but also the choke points, like the passes.
机译:1967年秋天,胡志明小径上的交通流量激增,北越维持南部战争的生命线。这条小径沿着安南山脉的西侧,穿过老挝的潘汉德尔河和柬埔寨,进入了越南南部。从越南北部荣市的供应中心出发的卡车车队通过山区的穆贾(Mu Gia)和班卡拉伊(Ban Karai)通行证进入了胡志明小道。这些通行证被高射炮炮防御严密。路上的交通大部分在晚上移动。在白天,卡车躲在伪装下或丛林中隐藏的停车场中。为了重新制止部队和补给的流动,美国空军在1967年11月将对步道的攻击飞行次数增加了一倍。目标不仅包括卡车车队,还包括通行证之类的阻塞点。



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