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Cuts in research and development have so badly eroded the US lead in military technology that it's razor thin in some areas and gone in many others, according to the Pentagon's top technology chief. Competitors are catching up fast and unless action is taken-and quickly-the lost edge will pose a profound strategic problem for the nation. "Technological superiority is not assured," said Frank Kendall, the Pentagon's acquisition, technology, and logistics chief. "I'm very concerned about... where we're going to end up," he said during a January panel discussion sponsored by the Center for New American Security in Washington, D.C. Kendall said the US has gotten complacent since its technology led to overwhelming victory during the Cold War and the first Gulf War, and this "led to an assumption over the next 25 years that technological superiority would be a fact of life," but it isn't, he said. Other countries are increasing their R&D investments "while we're decreasing ours," and consequently, "we do have reason to be concerned," he reported.
机译:五角大楼的最高技术负责人说,研发的削减严重侵蚀了美国在军事技术上的领先地位,以致于在某些领域它变得非常稀少,而在其他许多领域则变得越来越少。竞争对手正在迅速追赶,除非迅速采取行动,否则失去的优势将给国家带来深远的战略问题。五角大楼的并购,技术和物流主管弗兰克·肯德尔说:“不能保证技术上的优势。”他在华盛顿特区新美国安全中心(Center for New American Security)于1月份举行的小组讨论中说:“我非常担心……我们最终会走向何方。”肯德尔说,自从技术领先以来,美国就已经沾沾自喜了他说,在冷战和第一次海湾战争中取得了压倒性的胜利,“这导致人​​们在接下来的25年中假设技术优势将成为生活的事实,但事实并非如此。”他报告说,其他国家正在“在减少我们的投资的同时”增加他们的研发投资,因此,“我们确实有理由担心”。



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