首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Water and nitrogen dynamics in rotational woodlots of five tree species in western Tanzania

Water and nitrogen dynamics in rotational woodlots of five tree species in western Tanzania


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The objective of this study was to compare the effects of woodlots of five tree species, continuous maize (Zea mays L.) and natural fallow on soil water and nitrogen dynamics in western Tanzania. The tree species evaluated were Acacia crassicarpa (A. Cunn. ex Benth.), Acacia julifera (Berth.), Acacia leptocarpa (A. Cunn. ex Benth), Leucaena pallida (Britton and Rose), and Senna siamea (Lamarck) Irwin & Barneby). The field experiment was established in November 1996 in a completely randomized block design replicated three times. Maize was intercropped between the trees during the first three years after planting and thereafter the trees were allowed to grow as pure woodlots for another two years. Transpiration by the trees was monitored when they were 3 years old using sap flow gauges. Soil water content was measured using the neutron probe approach between November 1999 and March 2001. Soil inorganic N profiles were measured when the trees were four years old in all treatments. The results indicated that the trees transpired more water than natural fallow vegetation during the dry season. The difference was apparent at a depth of 35 cm soil, but was more pronounced in deeper horizons. The water content in the entire soil profile under woodlots and natural fallow during the dry period was 0.01 to 0.06 cm3 cm−3 lower than in the annual cropped plots. This pattern was reversed after rainfall, when woodlots of A. crassicarpa, A. leptocarpa, A. julifera, S. siamea and L. pallida contained greater quantity of stored water than natural fallow or continuous maize by as much as 0.00 to 0.02, 0.01 to 0.04, 0.01 to 0.04, 0.01 to 0.03 and 0.00 to 0.02 cm3 cm−3, respectively. Natural fallow plots contained the lowest quantity of stored water within the entire profile during this period. Transpiration was greatest in A. crassicarpa and lowest in L. pallida. All tree species examined were `scavengers' of N and retrieved inorganic N from soil horizons up to 2-m depth and increased its concentration close to their trunks. This study has provided evidence in semi-arid environments that woodlots can effectively retrieve subsoil N and store more soil water after rains than natural fallow and bare soil.
机译:这项研究的目的是比较坦桑尼亚西部五种树种,连续玉米(Zea mays L.)和自然休耕地对土壤水分和氮素动态的影响。评估的树种为金合欢(A. Cunn。ex Benth。),金合欢(Acacia julifera(Berth。),金合欢(Acacia leptocarpa)(A. Cunn。ex Benth),Leucaena pallida(Britton and Rose)和塞纳(Senna siamea)(Lamarck)Irwin和Barneby)。现场实验建立于1996年11月,重复了3次,采用完全随机分组设计。种植后的前三年,玉米在树木之间套种,此后,树木可以作为纯林地再生长两年。使用树液流量表监测树木3岁时的蒸腾作用。在1999年11月至2001年3月之间,使用中子探针法测量了土壤含水量。在所有处理中,树木都长到4岁时,测量了土壤无机氮剖面。结果表明,干旱季节树木的水分蒸发量大于自然休闲植被。这种差异在土壤深度为35 cm时很明显,但在较深的地平线上更为明显。干旱时期,林地和自然休耕地下的整个土壤剖面中的水分含量比一年生种植地低0.01至0.06 cm3 cm−3 。降雨后,这种模式发生了逆转。当时,A。crassicarpa,A。leptocarpa,A。julifera,S。siamea和L. pallida的贮水量比自然休耕或连续玉米的贮水量高出0.00到0.02、0.01。至0.04、0.01至0.04、0.01至0.03和0.00至0.02 cm3 cm-3 。在此期间,自然休耕地段的整个剖面内的蓄水量最低。串果的蒸腾作用最大,而P. pallida的蒸腾作用最低。检查的所有树种均为氮的“清除剂”,并从土壤层中直至2 m的深度回收了无机氮,并增加了靠近树干的浓度。该研究提供了在半干旱环境中的证据,与自然休耕和裸露的土壤相比,雨后的林地可以有效地回收地下土壤N并存储更多的土壤水分。



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