首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Distribution of mycorrhizal fungal spores in soils under agroforestry and monocultural coffee systems in Brazil

Distribution of mycorrhizal fungal spores in soils under agroforestry and monocultural coffee systems in Brazil


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Deep-rooting trees in agroforestry systems may promote distribution of spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) at deeper soil levels. We investigated the vertical distribution of AMF spores in Oxisols under agroforestry and monocultural (unshaded) coffee systems in on-farm experiments (Brazil). The number of AMF spores was considered as an indicator of mycorrhiza incidence in soil. Spores were extracted from 0–1, 2–3, 5–7.5, 10–15, 20–30, 40–60 cm soil-depths in agroforestry and monocultural coffee systems, of three different age groups (young, medium-aged and old), using centrifugation methods, and counted. Fine roots were collected and dry-weighed from 0–30 cm in young and old systems and from several depths in medium-aged systems. Soils were characterised with respect to texture, pH, organic matter, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Agroforestry had a higher percentage of spores (12–21% of the total number of spores) and roots (on average 1.5 g L−1 soil) in deeper layers (20–60 cm), and a lower percentage (79–88%) closer to the surface (0–15 cm) than the monocultural fields (respectively 3–12%, 0.6 g L−1 soil and 88–97%). Greater numbers of spores in the deeper soil layers may be explained by greater amounts of roots and may be an indicator of greater incidence of mycorrhiza in agroforestry than in monocultural coffee systems. Greater mycorrhizal incidence at deeper soil layers in the agroforestry system may change the dynamics of phosphorus cycling in soil, making this nutrient more available to plants.
机译:农林业系统中的根深蒂固的树木可能会促进更深土壤水平的丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)孢子的分布。我们在农场实验中(巴西)调查了农用林业和单一文化(无阴影)咖啡系统下,Oxisols中AMF孢子的垂直分布。 AMF孢子的数量被认为是土壤中菌根发生率的指标。孢子是从三个不同年龄组(年轻,中年和中年)的农林业和单一文化咖啡系统中的0–1、2–3、5–7.5、10–15、20–30、40–60厘米土壤深度中提取的旧),使用离心方法进行计数。在新老系统中,从0–30 cm处收集细根,然后称重,在中年系统中,从多个深度处进行称重。对土壤的质地,pH,有机质,钙,镁,磷和钾进行了表征。农用林业在深层(20-60厘米)中的孢子(占孢子总数的12–21%)和根(平均1.5 g L-1 土壤)的百分比较高,而比例较低(比单一栽培田(分别为3–12%,0.6 g L-1 土壤和88–97%)更靠近地表(0–15 cm)(79–88%)。较深的土壤层中大量的孢子可以用更多的根来解释,并且可能表明与单作咖啡系统相比,农林业中菌根的发生率更高。农林业系统中更深的土壤层上的菌根发生率更高,可能会改变土壤中磷的循环动力学,从而使植物更容易吸收这种养分。



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