首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Assessing the Potential of Trees for Afforestation of Degraded Landscapes in the Aral Sea Basin of Uzbekistan

Assessing the Potential of Trees for Afforestation of Degraded Landscapes in the Aral Sea Basin of Uzbekistan


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Land degradation is a serious hindrance to agricultural development in Uzbekistan, a country striving to rebuild its agricultural sector for self-sustained production. The potential of multipurpose trees for upgrading degraded land is enormous. However, knowledge is lacking about the establishment and growth characteristics of different species, the energy content of firewood and the nutritive value of fodder. This study presents such data for 10 selected local multipurpose species grown on gleyic solonchak soil. Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Tamarix androssowii showed superior biomass growth, respectively producing up to 11.0 and 10.4 t ha−1 of utilizable aboveground dry matter (DM). E. angustifolia showed high potential for rapid establishment evidenced by root elongation of over 100 m tree−1 at the age of 3 years. T. androssowii, Prunus armeniaca L. and Populus nigra var. pyramidalis Spach exhibited the greatest fuelwood characteristics, showing calorific values in the range of 14.4 – 16.2 MJ DM kg−1. E. angustifolia and Morus alba L. demonstrated superior fodder potential given by the crude protein content of 216 and 117 g DM kg−1. Recommendations on species selection are proposed based on various species characteristics. In assessing the potential of trees for afforestation of degraded land a reliable economic analysis of these aspects must be taken into account. When considering all characteristics concurrently, a mixture of species instead of monocrop cultivation seems to provide the best solution for improving degraded land.
机译:土地退化严重阻碍了乌兹别克斯坦的农业发展,该国正在努力重建其农业部门以实现自给自足的生产。多用途树升级退化土地的潜力是巨大的。但是,缺乏有关不同物种的建立和生长特性,木柴的能量含量以及饲料的营养价值的知识。这项研究提供了这些数据,这些数据来自生长在斜leysonnchak土壤上的10个选定的本地多用途物种。 Elaeagnus angustifolia L.和Tamarix androssowii表现出优异的生物量增长,分别产生高达11.0和10.4 t ha-1 的可利用地上干物质(DM)。在3岁时,超过100 m tree-1 的根伸长证明了马尾草具有快速建立的潜力。 T. androssowii,Prunus armeniaca L.和Populus nigra var。棱锥体Spach表现出最大的薪柴特性,发热量介于14.4至16.2 MJ DM kg-1 之间。 E. angustifolia和Morus alba L.的粗蛋白含量分别为216和117 g DM kg-1 ,具有较高的饲料潜力。根据各种物种特征提出了有关物种选择的建议。在评估树木在退化土地上造林的潜力时,必须考虑这些方面的可靠经济分析。同时考虑所有特征时,混合种而不是单作种植似乎是改善退化土地的最佳解决方案。



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