首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics Followed by a Forest-to-pasture Conversion in Western Mexico

Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics Followed by a Forest-to-pasture Conversion in Western Mexico


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Gains and losses of soil carbon (C), have been reported when tropical forests are converted to pastures. Regional studies are crucial for setting regional baselines and explaining each particular trend, in order to solve this controversy. Tropical deciduous forest (TDF) is under high deforestation pressure, mainly for conversion to pastures. The present study compared soil organic C (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) in the surface layer (0–5 cm) of forest and pasture soils in a TDF of western Mexico. SOC and SON concentrations were 18 and 60% lower in pasture soils than in forest soils, and C:N ratio increased in pasture soils. Furthermore, pasture soils had lower labile C and available inorganic nitrogen (N) than forest soils. These results can be explained as a reduction in C inputs to pasture soils and management-induced disruption of soil aggregates. In forest soils, macroaggregates (> 250 μm) were predominant (85%), whereas in pasture soils they were reduced to 35% of dry sand-free soil mass. The estimated SOC and SON losses from the top 5 cm of soil were 3 Mg C ha−1 and 0.9 Mg N ha−1, respectively.
机译:据报道,热带森林转为牧场时,土壤碳(C)的增加和减少。为了解决这一争议,区域研究对于设定区域基准并解释每个特定趋势至关重要。热带落叶林(TDF)遭受的毁林压力很高,主要是为了转为牧场。本研究比较了墨西哥西部TDF中森林和牧场土壤表层(0-5 cm)中的土壤有机碳(SOC)和氮(SON)。牧场土壤中的SOC和SON浓度比森林土壤低18%和60%,牧场土壤中的C:N比增加。此外,牧草土壤的挥发性碳和有效无机氮(N)低于森林土壤。这些结果可以解释为牧场土壤碳输入减少和管理诱发的土壤团聚体破坏。在森林土壤中,大型聚集体(> 250μm)占主导地位(85%),而在牧场土壤中,其减少至无砂干土质量的35%。从土壤顶部5 cm处估计的SOC和SON损失分别为3 Mg C ha-1 和0.9 Mg N ha-1



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