首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agrobotanica >Studium porwnawcze cech morfologicznychi I prouktypwnosci lucerny mieszancowej (Medicago media Pers.) uprawianej w czystym siewie I w mieszakanch z roslinami motylkowatymi I trawami

Studium porwnawcze cech morfologicznychi I prouktypwnosci lucerny mieszancowej (Medicago media Pers.) uprawianej w czystym siewie I w mieszakanch z roslinami motylkowatymi I trawami

机译:纯播种和豆科植物和草类杂种栽培混合紫花苜蓿(Medicago media Pers。)的形态特征和繁育性的比较研究

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The investigation carried out in the years 1994-96 had to aim the analysis of morphological features perennial papilionaceaus plants and grass in pure sowing (6 objects) and mixture (3 objects). It was considerated the following morphological features: the number of stem per square metre, mass of single stem, number of leaves on the stem, leaves area of stem in square centimeter and two descrption of the stand: the number of leaves per square metre and leaves area index in square metre.



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