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The Present Situation and Prospect of the Study on Locoweed in China


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Locoweed is one of main poisonous plants in the world, and also is the most important toxic plant in grassland of China. The distribution range of the locoweed is extending continuously and it has formed or is coming into dominant species gradually in some areas in recent years, which cause the retrogressive succession and grazer poisoning and died in rangeland. Locoweed seriously threatened the grassland agriculture and made typical 'ecology-economic sick' in above district. Based on the investigation, research, prevention and cure practice to the locoweed for more than ten years, this paper reviewed the present situation and prospect of the studies on the locoweed in China, which include the researches of it's biological characteristics, distribution, ecological environment, harmfulness, prevention, weeding, utilization and ecological control etc.
机译:疯草是世界上主要的有毒植物之一,也是中国草原上最重要的有毒植物。近年来,风铃草的分布范围不断扩大,已经形成或逐渐成为优势种,引起逆行演替和放牧者中毒并在牧场死亡。疯草严重威胁了草原农业,使该地区典型的“生态经济生病”。在对动植物进行了十多年的调查,研究,防治实践的基础上,综述了我国动植物的研究现状和前景,包括其动特性,分布,生态环境等方面的研究。 ,危害,预防,除草,利用和生态控制等。



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