首页> 外文期刊>African security review >Security as an outcome for promoting economic prosperity in the regional economic communities of Africa: Evidence from a panel data analysis

Security as an outcome for promoting economic prosperity in the regional economic communities of Africa: Evidence from a panel data analysis


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This study investigates the impact of security outcomes on economic prosperity in Africa and its Regional Economic Communities (RECs) using a balanced panel data of 35 African countries and eight RECs for the period 1990-2015. Economic prosperity was measured with real GDP per capita as the proxy while security outcomes was computed from security effectiveness and legitimacy by using principal component analysis. This study employs a panel causality test and the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimation techniques. The empirical results suggest that security outcomes promotes economic prosperity at the continental level and in six RECs. This implies that the security measures used in this study are important in providing an enabling environment for economic activities and opportunities despite the numerous security challenges facing the continent. Thus, an appropriate policy to improve and strengthen the security sector should be given priority in the RECS and across the entire continent.
机译:本研究调查了安全结果对非洲经济繁荣及其区域经济社区(REC)使用35个非洲国家的平衡面板数据和1990 - 2015年期间的八个休会的影响。经济繁荣以人均GDP衡量的是代理,而通过使用主成分分析,从安全效率和合法性计算安全结果。本研究采用面板应变试验和普通的矩(GMM)估计技术方法。实证结果表明,安全结果促进了大陆层面的经济繁荣,六次休会。这意味着这项研究中使用的安全措施对于为经济活动和机会提供有利环境,尽管大陆面临的许多安全挑战。因此,应优先于整个大陆提供适当的改善和加强安全部门的政策。



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