首页> 外文期刊>Aesthetic Plastic Surgery >Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyped Nanoscale Hydroxyapatite/Polyamide (n-HA/PA) Construction for Condylar Defect Caused by Mandibular Angle Ostectomy

Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyped Nanoscale Hydroxyapatite/Polyamide (n-HA/PA) Construction for Condylar Defect Caused by Mandibular Angle Ostectomy

机译:计算机辅助设计和制造以及快速原型纳米羟基磷灰石/聚酰胺(n-HA / PA)构造用于下颌角造骨术引起的Con突缺损

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The fracture or defect of the mandibular condyle is one of the serious complications during angle-reduction ostectomy. Reconstruction of such defects also is a daunting task. The case report describes a method based on computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and rapid prototyping nanoscale hydroxyapatite/polyamide (n-HA/PA) for individual design, fabrication, and implantation of a mandibular condyle. A 27-year-old woman with a square-shaped face who had previously undergone mandibular angle reduction reported with malocclusion, deviated mouth, collapse of the right side of the face, and masticatory problems. The reason for the problems was the unintended removal of the condyle during the ostectomy procedure. Using computed tomography (CT) data, a biomimetic n-HA/PA scaffold, and CAD/CAM for rapid prototyping by three-dimensional (3D) printing, a perfect-fitting condylar implant was fabricated. A surgical guide system also was developed to reproduce the procedures accurately so a perfect fit could be obtained during surgery. The patient ultimately regained reasonable jaw contour and appearance, as well as appreciable temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function.
机译:下颌con突骨折或缺损是减角度骨切除术中的严重并发症之一。重建此类缺陷也是一项艰巨的任务。案例报告描述了一种基于计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM)和快速原型纳米级羟基磷灰石/聚酰胺(n-HA / PA)的方法,用于个性化设计,制造和植入下颌骨con。一名27岁的女性,脸部呈方形,以前曾经历过下颌角缩小手术,出现咬合不正,口偏,面部右侧塌陷和咀嚼问题。问题的原因是在骨切除术过程中意外切除了con。使用计算机断层扫描(CT)数据,仿生n-HA / PA支架和CAD / CAM通过三维(3D)打印进行快速原型制作,制造出了完美适合的con突植入物。还开发了一种手术引导系统,以精确地重现程序,以便在手术过程中获得完美的配合。患者最终恢复了合理的下颌轮廓和外观,以及可观的颞下颌关节(TMJ)功能。



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