首页> 外文期刊>Aerospace science and technology >A detailed experimental analysis of the flow in a highly loaded fixed compressor cascade: the iso-cascade co-operative programme on code validation

A detailed experimental analysis of the flow in a highly loaded fixed compressor cascade: the iso-cascade co-operative programme on code validation


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The ISO-Cascade programme, involving IHI, Snecma and ONERA, has been undertaken to perform a thorough experimental investigation of a highly loaded compressor cascade in order to validate Navier-Stokes solvers used in turbomachinery bladings design. The aim of this study was to reproduce in a two-dimensional fixed geometry the main physical features of the flow in a real compressor, including strong viscous effects. The flow produced in the ISO-Cascade has been qualified by surface flow visualisations, schlieren pictures, surface pressure and skin friction measurements, surveys by multi-hole pressure probes and extensive explorations with a three-component LDV system. The large amount of results thus obtained has allowed a consistent description of the flow topology and the constitution of an unrivalled data bank to validate computer codes.
机译:为了验证涡轮机叶片设计中使用的Navier-Stokes求解器,已进行了包括IHI,Snecma和ONERA在内的ISO-Cascade计划,以对高负荷的压缩机叶栅进行彻底的实验研究。这项研究的目的是在二维固定几何形状中重现真实压缩机中流体的主要物理特征,包括强大的粘性效应。 ISO-Cascade产生的流量已通过表面流量可视化,刻纹照片,表面压力和皮肤摩擦测量,多孔压力探头进行的勘测以及使用三组分LDV系统的广泛勘探得到了验证。如此获得的大量结果允许对流拓扑和无与伦比的数据库的构造进行一致的描述,以验证计算机代码。



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