
Electric-vehicle batteries


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Electric vehicles that can't reach trolley wires need batteries. In the early 1900's electric cars disappeared when owners found that replacing the car's worn-out lead-acid battery costs more than a new gasoline-powered car. Most of today's electric cars are still propelled by lead-acid batteries. General Motors in their prototype Impact, for example, used starting-lighting-ignition batteries, which deliver lots of power for demonstrations, but have a life of less than 100 deep discharges. Now promising alternative technology has challenged the world-wide lead miners, refiners, and battery makers into forming a consortium that sponsors research into making better lead-acid batteries. Horizon's new bipolar battery delivered 50 watt-hours per kg (Wh/kg), compared with 20 for ordinary transport-vehicle batteries. The alternatives are delivering from 80 Wh/kg (nickel-metal hydride) up to 200 Wh/kg (zinc-bromine). A Fiat Panda traveled 260 km on a single charge of its zinc-bromine battery. A German 3.5-ton postal truck traveled 300 km with a single charge in its 650-kg (146 Wh/kg) zinc-air battery. Its top speed was 110 km per hour
机译:无法到达电车电线的电动汽车需要电池。 1900年代初期,电动汽车消失了,当时车主发现更换汽车破旧的铅酸蓄电池的成本要高于新型汽油动力汽车。当今大多数电动汽车仍由铅酸电池驱动。例如,通用汽车公司在其原型汽车“冲击”中使用了启动点火点火电池,该电池可为演示提供大量动力,但寿命不到100次深放电。现在,有前途的替代技术已经挑战了世界各地的铅矿开采商,提炼商和电池制造商,组成了一个财团,该财团赞助研究以制造更好的铅酸电池。 Horizo​​n的新型双极电池每千瓦时可产生50瓦时(Wh / kg),而普通运输车辆电池则为20瓦时。替代产品的输送功率为80 Wh / kg(镍氢)到200 Wh / kg(锌溴)。一只菲亚特熊猫用一次充电的溴化锌电池行驶了260公里。一辆德国3.5吨重的邮政卡车用650千克(146 Wh / kg)的锌空气电池一次充电,行驶了300公里。其最高时速为每小时110公里



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