首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine >Morgan phenomenon unravels the mysteries of the Universe

Morgan phenomenon unravels the mysteries of the Universe


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We readily convince ourselves that most achievements can be credited to the construction of powerful jet engines, which enable a spaceship to escape gravity. The principle of jet propulsion seems to work perfectly; jet engines can accelerate a rocket up to an incredible speed of 11 km/sec. Looks like there is nothing left to desire. However, from the physical point of view, 11 km/sec is not such a large value compared, for instance, to the speed of light. Would it be possible to attain half of that speed using gas jets? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Nevertheless, that is not the end of the story. The purpose of this article is to show that it is still possible to use the same principle to remove limitations on attainable speed if instead of gas jets, we employ ultrafast electron beams. The basic idea of our construction was inspired by the paper by H. Morgan (ibid., vol. 13, pp. 5-10, 1998). In that article he experimentally refuted the common premise that nothing can go faster than light and gave some theoretical arguments supporting his experimental data. Although the nature and underlying principles of the Morgan phenomenon are yet to be understood, we can already start thinking of its practical applications.
机译:我们很容易地说服自己,大多数成就都可以归功于强大的喷气发动机的建造,这使飞船能够逃脱重力。喷气推进原理似乎很完美。喷气发动机可以使火箭加速到11 km / sec的惊人速度。似乎没有什么可渴望的了。但是,从物理角度来看,例如与光速相比,11 km / sec并不是一个很大的值。使用喷气机能否达到该速度的一半?不幸的是,答案是否定的。然而,这还不是故事的结局。本文的目的是表明,如果我们使用超快电子束代替气体喷嘴,仍然可以使用相同的原理来消除对可达到速度的限制。 H. Morgan的论文启发了我们构造的基本思想(同上,第13卷,第5-10页,1998年)。在那篇文章中,他实验性地驳斥了一个普遍的前提,即没有什么比光速还快,并提出了一些理论依据来支持他的实验数据。尽管尚未理解摩根现象的性质和基本原理,但我们已经可以开始考虑其实际应用了。



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