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How do they do that?


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A ccording to Ian Bott: "It's a sobering, yet thrilling, prospect to sit staring at a white sheet of paper and know that in about three weeks you'll need to have transformed it into a published illustration, in a magazine, for sale on the shelves of your local local newsagent. Even more sobering is the fact that I have to do it every month to create the main artwork in the Aircrew feature in Aeroplane - since 2007." The team starts with a discussion about potential subjects. Once a clear winner has emerged (if it's pre-1938, it's normally James' idea, if it's post 1947 it's Ian; 1939-46 is a draw!) then it's time to start the research. Many happy hours have been spent ferreting around in museums, archives and on airfields, not to mention in Aeroplane's own vast photo library digging out useful bits of reference material - although Ian says his family describe this as 'goofing off'.
机译:依安·博特(Ian Bott)的话说:“坐在一张白纸上,这是一个发人深省的前景,并且知道在大约三周内您需要将其转变成已发行的插图,并在杂志上出售。自2007年以来,我每个月都必须这样做,才能在飞机的Aircrew功能中创建主要艺术品,这一点更加令人清醒。”该团队首先讨论有关潜在主题。一旦明确的赢家出现了(如果是1938年之前,通常是詹姆斯的主意,如果是1947年以后的是伊恩; 1939-46年是平局!),就该开始研究了。在博物馆,档案馆和飞机场上度过了许多欢乐时光,更不用说在飞机公司自己的庞大照片库中挖掘有用的参考资料了-尽管伊恩说他的家人称这是“愚蠢的”。




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