首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Engineering Software >Computational method for finding various solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Equation of Kirchhoff type

Computational method for finding various solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Equation of Kirchhoff type


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This paper is concerned with the various solutions to the class of nonlocal boundary value problem with the help of finite element method for the class of Kirchhoff-type problemrn-M(∫_Ω∣▽u∣ ~2dx)△u=f(x,u) in Ω,u=0 on partial deriv Ωrnwhere Ω is contained in R~N is a bounded smooth domain, M :R~+ →R is continuous and f:Ω×R→R has subcritical growth. Kirchhoff equation does not appear to have been previously studied in detail computationally and it is hope that this paper will help to provide a new idea in this direction. Here we solved the nonlinear function/(x,u) with the help of Newton Raphson method and quasi-linear term by using Scaling Iterative Algorithm, forward difference and with the help of these schemes; we used finite element method to solve the Quasilinear Elliptic Equation of Kirchhoff Type and discussed the behaviour. In order to numerically confirm our theoretical results and to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm, we develop a MATLAB program for solving Kirchhoff-type problem.
机译:本文利用有限元方法对一类Kirchhoff型问题rn-M(∫_Ω∣▽u∣〜2dx)△u = f(x, u)以Ω表示,偏导数rn上的u = 0,其中R〜N中包含Ω是有界光滑域,M:R〜+→R是连续的,而f:Ω×R→R具有亚临界增长。 Kirchhoff方程似乎尚未进行过详细的计算研究,希望本文有助于在这个方向上提供新的思路。在这里,我们使用牛顿拉夫森方法和准线性项,通过尺度缩放迭代算法,正向差分和这些方案,来解决非线性函数/(x,u)。我们使用有限元方法求解了Kirchhoff型拟线性椭圆方程,并讨论了其行为。为了从数值上证实我们的理论结果并证明该算法的性能,我们开发了一个用于解决Kirchhoff型问题的MATLAB程序。



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