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Thermodynamic Study Of The Reactivity Of The Two Topological Point Defects Present In Mixed Self-assembled Monolayers On Gold Nanoparticles


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Monolayer-protected metal nanoparticles (NPs) are gold or silver nanocrystals coated with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of thiolated molecules, or ligands. In addition to stabilizing the NPs against aggregation, the ligand shell contributes to their electronic properties, their solubility, and their assembly behavior. The ligand shell of a NP resembles its flat-surface counterparts: highly ordered two-dimensional crystals in which the molecules arrange with a tilt angle relative to the surface normal that maximizes intermolecular interactions. SAMs are straightforward to prepare and their composition can be varied by exposing them to solutions of different thiolated molecules through a reaction called place-exchange, which has been shown experimentally to occur more rapidly at point defects in the SAM. However, thermodynamic studies of the reactivity of the point defects are hindered by difficulties inherent to surface analysis.
机译:单层保护的金属纳米颗粒(NPs)是涂有硫醇化分子或配体的自组装单层(SAM)的金或银纳米晶体。除了稳定NP防止聚集外,配体壳还有助于其电子性能,溶解性和组装行为。 NP的配体壳类似于其平面对应物:高度有序的二维晶体,​​其中的分子相对于表面法线以最大分子间相互作用的倾斜角排列。 SAM易于直接制备,并且可以通过称为位置交换的反应将它们暴露于不同硫醇化分子的溶液中,从而改变其组成,该反应在实验中已证明在SAM中的点缺陷处发生得更快。然而,表面缺陷所固有的困难阻碍了对点缺陷反应性的热力学研究。



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