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A One-Piece Solution With Vision


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In business, customers do not want to waste time learning to piece together the component units of a working system, then waste money buying training programs and software upgrades not included in the original purchase price. They want a solution that is both self-contained and easy to use―a complete solution. For many customers, the complete solution is critical. While they may have a great need for an inspection system that improves the quality, safety and consistency of their product, they don't have the in-house expertise or time to do the work to create their own solution. This includes selecting appropriate hardware, developing or selecting powerful but user-friendly software, identifying and implementing optimal lighting, tying the outputs into both the machine's controls and a data collection system, installing the unit and training personnel. The closer a system comes to a true "total" solution, the greater benefit the customer realizes. Finding a true machine vision solution in one box is an elusive endeavor. However, Herb Ruterschmidt, Sales Manager at Conversions, Inc., feels he may have solved this puzzle with the LOMAX system.
机译:在业务中,客户不想浪费时间学习将工作系统的组成部分组装在一起,然后浪费金钱来购买原始购买价格中未包含的培训计划和软件升级。他们需要一个既完整又易于使用的解决方案。对于许多客户而言,完整的解决方案至关重要。尽管他们非常需要提高产品质量,安全性和一致性的检查系统,但他们没有内部专业知识或时间来完成自己的解决方案。这包括选择适当的硬件,开发或选择功能强大但用户友好的软件,确定并实施最佳照明,将输出连接到机器的控件和数据收集系统中,安装单元和培训人员。系统离真正的“全面”解决方案越近,客户所实现的利益就越大。在一个盒子中找到真正的机器视觉解决方案是一项艰巨的任务。但是,Conversions,Inc.的销售经理Herb Ruterschmidt认为他可能已经通过LOMAX系统解决了这个难题。



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