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Shaping carbon nanotubes and the effects on their electrical and mechanical properties


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A method is developed and shown to be able to shape a carbon nanotube (CNT) into a desired morphology while maintaining its excellent electrical and mechanical properties. Single, freestanding nanotubes are bent by a scanning tunneling microscopy probe, and their morphology is fixed by electron-beam-induced deposition (inside a transmission electron microscope) of amorphous carbon on the bent area. It is shown that the mechanical strength of the bent CNT may be greatly enhanced by increasing the amount of carbon glue or the deposition area, and the electrical conduction of the nanotube shows hardly any dependence on the bending deformation or on the deposition of amorphous carbon. Our findings suggest that CNTs might be manipulated and processed as interconnections between electronic devices without much degradation in their electrical conductance, and be used in areas requiring complex morphology, such as nanometer-scale transport carriers and nanoelectromechanical systems.



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