首页> 外文期刊>Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research >Consultation as an Implementation Strategy for Evidence-Based Practices Across Multiple Contexts: Unpacking the Black Box

Consultation as an Implementation Strategy for Evidence-Based Practices Across Multiple Contexts: Unpacking the Black Box


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There is great interest in the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments and practices for children across schools and community mental health settings. A growing body of literature suggests that the use of one-time workshops as a training tool is ineffective in influencing therapist behavior and patient outcomes and that ongoing expert consultation and coaching is critical to actual uptake and quality implementation. Yet, we have very limited understanding of how expert consultation fits into the larger implementation support system, or the most effective consultation strategies. This commentary reviews the literature on consultation in child mental health, and proposes a set of core consultation functions, processes, and outcomes that should be further studied in the implementation of evidence-based practices for children.



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