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Origins of High H_2S-bearing Natural Gas in China


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Natural gas containing hydrogen sulphide (H_2S) has been found in several petroliferous basins in China, such as the Sichuan Basin, Bohai Bay Basin, Ordos Basin, Tarim Basin, etc. Natural gas with higher H_2S contents (H_2S > 5% mol.) is mostly distributed in both the gas reservoirs of Dukouhe, Luojiazhai, Puguang and Tieshanpo, which belong to the Triassic Feixianguan Formation in the northeastern Sichuan Basin and those of the Kongdian-Shahejie formations in the northeastern Jinxian Sag of the Jizhong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. In the Sichuan Basin, the H_2S contents of natural gas average over 9% and some can be 17%, while those of the Bohai Bay Basin range from 40% to 92%, being then one of the gas reservoirs with the highest H_2S contents in the world. Based on detailed observation and sample analysis results of a total 5000 m of core from over 70 wells in the above-mentioned two basins, especially sulfur isotopic analysis of gypsum, brimstone, pyrite and natural gas, also with integrated study of the geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbons, it is thought that the natural gas with high H_2S contents resulted from thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) reactions. Among them, the natural gas in the Feixianguan Formation resulted from TSR reactions participated by hydrocarbon gas, while that in the Zhaolanzhuang of the Jinxian Sag being the product of TSR participated by crude oil. During the consumption process of hydrocarbons due to TSR, the heavy hydrocarbons were apt to react with sulfate, which accordingly resulted in the dry coefficient of natural gas increasing and the carbon isotopes becoming heavier.
机译:在中国的几个石油盆地中,例如四川盆地,渤海湾盆地,鄂尔多斯盆地,塔里木盆地等,都发现了含硫化氢的天然气。天然气中的H_2S含量较高(H_2S> 5%mol。)。大部分分布在四川盆地东北部的三叠系飞仙关组的独口河,罗家寨,普光和铁山坡气藏中,以及渤海湾盆地冀中De陷东北部的金县凹陷东北的孔店—沙河街组。 。在四川盆地,天然气的H_2S含量平均超过9%,有的可达到17%,而渤海湾盆地的天然气的H_2S含量在40%至92%之间,是当时H_2S含量最高的气藏之一。世界。基于对上述两个盆地70口井共计5000 m岩心的详细观测和样品分析结果,尤其是石膏,硫磺,硫铁矿和天然气的硫同位素分析,并对该盆地的地球化学特征进行了综合研究。据认为,具有高H_2S含量的天然气是由热化学硫酸盐还原(TSR)反应产生的。其中,飞仙关组天然气是由碳氢化合物气体参与的TSR反应产生的,而金县凹陷赵兰庄天然气是TSR的产物,是原油参与的。在由于TSR消耗烃的过程中,重烃易于与硫酸盐反应,从而导致天然气的干系数增加,碳同位素变重。



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