首页> 外文期刊>Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition >Equilibrium between Clinopyroxene and Host Rocks: Implication for the Magmatic Source and Evolution of Alkali Basalts of the Taohekou Formation in the Northern Daba Mountains, China

Equilibrium between Clinopyroxene and Host Rocks: Implication for the Magmatic Source and Evolution of Alkali Basalts of the Taohekou Formation in the Northern Daba Mountains, China


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The Taohekou Formation is a volcanic-sedimentary terrane formed in the early Silurian in the northern Daba Mountains, China. The volcanic rocks, with dominant alkali basalts and minor mantle xenoliths, are enriched in clinopyroxene phenocrysts. Geochemical analysis shows that the composition of clinopyroxenes from different lithofacies has a close affinity. There is a liner correlation present in composition of clinopyroxenes (including phenocryst, microcrystal and xenocryst) from coarse porphyritic basalts, pillow or fine porphyritic basalts to amygdaloidal basalts. All the clinopyroxenes, except the clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths, show a similar pattern of trace elements and REE, which indicates that they are likely products of successive fractional crystallization from cognate magma. Clinopyroxenes in mantle xenoliths, however, are mantle xenocrysts. The crystallization pressure of clinopyroxenes gradually decreases from mantle xenolith, deep-seated xenocryst, coarse porphritic basalts, pillow or fine porphritic basalts, to amygdaloidal basalts, which are 1.92–4.41 GPa, 1.18–2.36 GPa, 1.13–2.05 GPa, 0.44–0.62 GPa and 0.14–0.28 GPa respectively. Calculation results suggest that the primary magma originated from a mantle region deeper than 68 km and stagnates in intervals of 37–68 km, 15–20 km and 5–9 km during its ascent. The alkali basalts are characterized by increasing concentrations of Si and alkaline with the magmatic evolution. Meanwhile, they are markedly enriched in LREE, and the patterns of trace elements and REE are similar to those of oceanic island basalts.
机译:陶河口组是中国北部达巴山脉志留纪早期形成的火山沉积地层。火山岩中有主要的碱性玄武岩和少量的地幔异种岩,富含斜辉石酚醛树脂。地球化学分析表明,来自不同岩相的斜辉石的组成具有密切的亲和力。从粗斑状玄武岩,枕形或细斑状玄武岩到杏仁状玄武岩,斜辉石(包括隐晶,微晶和异晶)的组成存在线性相关性。除地幔异岩中的clinopyroxenes以外,所有clinopyroxenes都显示出痕量元素和REE的相似模式,这表明它们可能是同源岩浆连续分级结晶的产物。然而,地幔异种岩中的亚斜辉石是地幔异晶。斜辉石的结晶压力从地幔异种岩,深部异种晶,粗粒状玄武岩,枕形或细粒状玄武岩到杏仁状玄武岩逐渐降低,分别为1.92–4.41 GPa,1.18–2.36 GPa,1.13–2.05 GPa,0.44–0.6 GPa和0.14-0.28 GPa。计算结果表明,原始岩浆起源于地幔区域,深度超过68 km,在上升期间停滞在37–68 km,15–20 km和5–9 km之间。碱玄武岩的特征是随着岩浆演化,硅和碱的浓度增加。同时,它们的LREE含量显着丰富,微量元素和REE的模式与海洋岛玄武岩相似。



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