
Congestion-Aware Ride-Sharing


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etanin@unimelb.edu.au;lkulik@unimelb.edu.au;kotagiri@unimelb.edu.au; In its current form, ride-sharing is responsible for a small fraction of traffic load compared to other transportation modes, especially private vehicles. As its benefits became more evident, and obstacles, e.g., lack of liability legislation, that may hinder its larger scale adoption are being overcome, ride-sharing will be a more common mode of transportation. In particular, autonomous vehicles (AVs) are showing their proficiency on the roads, which may also catalyze ride-sharing ubiquity. For example, while an AV owner is at work, he may find it appealing to offer his AV as a service or rent it to Uber so that the vehicle serves others' transportation requests. Furthermore, this disruptive technology is backed up by companies like Google (Waymo), Tesla, and Uber. Therefore, ride-sharing will soon become a source of traffic congestion itself. In this article, we present an efficient congestion-aware ride-sharing algorithm which, instead of finding optimal travel plans based on traffic load generated by other means of transportation, it computes optimal travel plans for thousands of ride-sharing requests within a time interval. Note that in this problem, an optimal travel plan for a group of requests may affect an already computed travel plan for another concurrent group of requests, therefore plans cannot be isolated from each other.
机译:etanin@unimelb.edu.au; lkulik@unimelb.edu.au; kotagiri@unimelb.edu.au;与目前的其他交通方式(尤其是私家车)相比,乘车共享仅占交通流量的一小部分。随着其好处变得越来越明显,并且克服了可能阻碍其大规模采用的障碍(例如,缺乏责任立法),共享乘车将成为一种更为普遍的运输方式。尤其是,自动驾驶汽车(AVs)在道路上表现出了熟练水平,这也可能会促进共享出行的普遍性。例如,当AV所有者在工作时,他可能会觉得很有吸引力,可以将其AV作为服务提供或出租给Uber,以便该车辆满足其他人的运输要求。此外,这种颠覆性技术得到了Google(Waymo),Tesla和Uber等公司的支持。因此,拼车服务将很快成为交通拥堵的根源。在本文中,我们提出了一种有效的拥塞感知乘车共享算法,该算法无需根据其他运输方式产生的交通负荷找到最佳的出行计划,而是为一个时间间隔内成千上万的出行需求计算出最佳的出行计划。请注意,在此问题中,一组请求的最佳旅行计划可能会影响另一个并发请求组的已计算旅行计划,因此计划无法彼此隔离。



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