首页> 外文期刊>ACM Transactions on Graphics >Co-Locating Style-Defining Elements on 3D Shapes

Co-Locating Style-Defining Elements on 3D Shapes


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We introduce a method for co-locating style-defining elements over a set of 3D shapes. Our goal is to translate high-level style descriptions, such as "Ming" or "European" for furniture models, into explicit and localized regions over the geometric models that characterize each style. For each style, the set of style-defining elements is defined as the union of all the elements that are able to discriminate the style. Another property of the style-defining elements is that they are frequently occurring, reflecting shape characteristics that appear across multiple shapes of the same style. Given an input set of 3D shapes spanning multiple categories and styles, where the shapes are grouped according to their style labels, we perform a cross-category co-analysis of the shape set to learn and spatially locate a set of defining elements for each style. This is accomplished by first sampling a large number of candidate geometric elements and then iteratively applying feature selection to the candidates, to extract style-discriminating elements until no additional elements can be found. Thus, for each style label, we obtain sets of discriminative elements that together form the superset of defining elements for the style. We demonstrate that the co-location of style-defining elements allows us to solve problems such as style classification, and enables a variety of applications such as style-revealing view selection, style-aware sampling, and style-driven modeling for 3D shapes.
机译:我们介绍了一种在一组3D形状上共同定位样式定义元素的方法。我们的目标是将高级样式描述(例如家具模型的“ Ming”或“ European”)转换为表征每种样式的几何模型上的显式和局部区域。对于每种样式,将定义样式的元素集定义为能够区分样式的所有元素的并集。样式定义元素的另一个属性是它们频繁出现,反映出出现在同一样式的多个形状中的形状特征。给定一个跨越多个类别和样式的3D形状输入集,其中根据形状的样式标签对形状进行分组,我们对形状集执行跨类别的协同分析,以学习和空间定位每种样式的一组定义元素。这是通过以下步骤实现的:首先对大量候选几何元素进行采样,然后将特征选择反复应用于候选对象,以提取区分样式的元素,直到找不到其他元素为止。因此,对于每个样式标签,我们获得可区分的元素集,这些元素一起构成该样式的定义元素的超集。我们展示了样式定义元素的共置位置使我们能够解决样式分类等问题,并支持各种应用程序,例如样式显示视图选择,样式感知采样以及样式驱动的3D形状建模。



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